Jeffrey Combs is a Star Trek basic, having managed to appear through Traveler,, Business,, Lower bridgesAnd of course, New deep space. Through dozens and dozens of appearances in the franchise, Combs is one of the most appreciated and prolific guest stars in Hiking history. But even among his characters, we stand out. Well, several.
Weyoun – Lake Vorta Cloné which has become the administrative face of Dominion while he was putting war through the Quadrant Alpha DS9Half of the back – was specially designed for the combs, and it was a role that he played so perfectly that his initial performance led to the canonization that Vorta was a regularly cloned population, just so that we could get more taken on the too confident Lickspittle, but simple and deliciously manipulations. But the five weyouns that we saw on television were not the only Star Trek Apocrypha. To celebrate the most emblematic of Combs Hiking Role, take a look at the history of Vorta to see which Weyouns were the worst (in a way that is both complementary and derogatory).
8) Weyoun 2
We know little about Weyoun 2 (Weyoun Prime Weyoun 1? Was it Weyoun 0? Who can say), apart from a passage of passage in the novel of 2000 Hellwho postulates that he was romantically involved in the clone of another female vorta, Kilana (who would appear in the DS9 episode “The Ship”). This raises fascinating Questions about Vorta relationships and sexual appetites like a cloned race, but few others.
7) Weyoun 10

In one way or another, Weyoun has returned! The 10th of a line that should have ended after eight, Weyoun 10 appears mainly in Online Star TrekSpecial DS9– expansion on the theme, Victory is life, Released in 2018. It was nice to have combs in action, but Weyoun 10 does not really stand out compared to its predecessors. It is initially presented as Warrant Odo before returning almost immediately as a lackey of the female exchange woman after betraying Odo to release her from captivity. As with all the good wicked Weyouns, however, he ends up getting what comes to him.
6) Weyoun 4
He is perhaps Weyoun 4, but he is Weyoun 1 in terms of being the first appearance of the character – the final article, if you want! Weyoun is not immediately presented as an antagonist – or rather that he is pragmatic, working with Captain Sisko to try to repress a brewing rebellion among the Jem’Hadar. He is a big turning point, and although he dies at the height of the episode, you can see why DS9The writers appreciated the vorta so much that they wanted to present the concept of cloning just to recover it.
5) Weyoun 7

If Weyoun 2 raises interesting questions about the Vorta and their attitudes with regard to sexual attraction in the right direction, Weyoun 7 raises them by being A real fuck. The direct replacement of a Turncoat Weyoun (more on him later), Weyoun 7 is best known to try to twin a captured World and Ezri Dax together, in the hope of seeing the two romantically comforted. Raw! Fortunately, this particularly dark Weyoun grows too far during an interrogation and is quickly breaking the neck.
So why classify it over Weyoun 2? Especially because his death is extremely Satisfactory, not only for the public, but for Damar, who hates Weyoun to pieces at this stage of the Dominion -Cardassian Alliance – and who not only takes advantage of it from Weyoun 7 offensive, but laugh long enough to continue when he meets the successor. It’s a professional Hate, right there.
4) Weyoun 8
Speaking of this successor! The last Weyoun we meet DS9Weyoun 8 between initially in the photo in an interesting circumstance: what is a long -term being to count with the last of its kind? Victim of the betrayal of Damar of Dominion in the last stadiums of war, the rebellion of Cardassian is announced by an attack on the cloning facilities which sheltered the genetic material of Weyoun, leaving him unable to be reborn.
Unfortunately for him, his response to this existential crisis is to be simply an absolute bastard of a Weyoun, even more than usual: Weyoun 8 is the one who responds with diligence to the meanness of Damar by having his wife and children executed, and is responsible for the death of hundreds of millions of Cardassians in the last days of the war of domicile when he tries to conclude any potential resistance. Damar can never see the final fate of Weyoun 8, but at least it is Garak who takes him dead for him.
3) Weyoun 5

The most important of the Weyouns, Weyoun 5 is the version of the character who guides us through the first moments of the Dominion War, including being the Weyoun which supervises the occupation of the new deep space itself when Gul Dukat and the Dominion manage to succeed Starfleet to remove from the station.
Weyoun 5 is undoubtedly Weyoun to his most accomplice, savoring the political and administrative bureaucracy that he can exercise during the occupation of DS9, while trying to be still a little diplomatic as to his insile. All this changes after the release of the station, when Weyoun 5 manages to be the possible architect of his own fall by appointing Damar as a replacement of Dukat to direct Cardassia during his alliance with the Dominion.
2) Weyoun 9
A high placement for a Weyoun that we never really see – and which should not even exist. Created for the Star Trek new range, and first appearing in the Gamma mission A series In 2002, Weyoun 9 is cloned with a genetic model recovered in the Gamma quadrant, finally becoming a confidant close to ODO, having been activated, it would therefore have a familiar face to manage by interacting with wider domination. Seeking to change Weyoun for the best in this era of post-dominion war, Odo helps Weyoun 9 to embrace his individuality rather than to exist only in service to the founders.
After the big link dissolves, Weyoun 9 helps Odo to manage Dominion as a whole, and thanks to its own individuality and growth as a person, begins to change more from Vorta society. Finally, Weyoun 9 moves even with other refugees from Dominion to the Alpha Quadrant, looking for political asylum in the space of the Federation. It serves as a beautiful Coda for the own Odo relationship with another Weyoun in particular – the best of all, even …
1) Weyoun 6

Yes, Weyoun is appreciated and admired to be a boring and calculating villain, but the most beautiful hour of combination with the character comes from the time when he plays well from Weyoun in the emblematic episode of the seven season “Trachery, Faith and The Great River”. Deciding to fail the domination of believing that the war against the federation was unfair, Combs plays Weyoun 6 with a wonderful innocence, when he tries to balance his “defective” conviction that the founders had made a horrible decision with his broader loyalty to them through his growing relationship with ODO.
Alas, it is this loyalty that brings sorrow, when Weyoun 6 kills itself, activating an implant of dismissal to stop domination and its successor Weyoun 7 to shoot the Runabout of Odo while trying to escape the sanctuary of the Federation. It is a really great scene between Combs and René Auberjonois, and speaks to the range of Combs with the archetype of Weyoun that he can play it in a moment of emotional sympathy just as brilliantly as he can in his most despicable.
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