Sexual violence against the children of the Eastern Democratic Republic of Congo has skyrocketed in recent weeks, announced Thursday the Fund for the United Nations, such as ethnic tensions and disputes on land resources and mineral resources are fighting in the country.
The organization, known as UNICEF, said that healthcare establishments in Goma and the surroundings had documented 170 cases of children who were raped in a single week, between January 27 and the 2 FEBRUARY.
Health establishments reported 572 rape cases that week, against an average of 95 cases in previous weeks, said Lianne Gutcher, UNICEF communications chief for the Congo. She added that violence was perpetrated by “armed men” belonging to all parts of the conflict.
The help group saves children reported similar trends of children victimized in eastern Congo.
The rebels, which would be supported by Rwanda, seized huge leaflets from the Democratic Republic of Congo at the speed of lightning. In a month, they repeatedly sent the unquined army of the Congo and made more than half a million people flee. At the end of January, the rebels captured Goma, a Congolese city of three million people along the Rwandan border.
The president of Rwanda denied that his country weapons the rebels or that his troops are in Congo.
The rebels, known as M23, say they protect ethnic Tutsis, the minority group massacred in a 1994 genocide, some of which also live in Congo. Experts, however, say that the group is after the rare minerals in Congo.
“In the provinces of northern and southern Kivu, we receive horrible reports of serious violations against children by parties to the conflict, including rape and other forms of sexual violence at levels exceeding everything we have Seen in recent years, ”said UNICEF executive director Catherine Russell says in a statement. She added that medical workers were missing from drugs used to reduce the risk of HIV infection after assault.
Save The Children said he had evidence that 18 girls had been sexually raped in the South Kivu province and that a 16 -year -old girl was killed by resonating armed men.
“A mother told our staff how her six daughters, the youngest of 12, were systematically raped by armed men when looking for food,” she said.
The leaders of the rebel group promised to order and security in the areas it controls.
Elian Peltier Contributed reports