Arsenal manager Mikel Arteta came out of an interview after the 1-1 draw of his team with Manchester United on Sunday after being questioned on the opportunities for the Premier League of his team.
The Gunners are now sitting at 15 points behind the Liverpool leaders, after playing a match less than their rivals, after a disjointed performance on Sunday saw them rush to escape with a point sometimes.
After the match, Arteta spoke to Sky Sports About the difficulties of his team in front of the goal. When asked if he regretted not having signed an attacker, Arteta insisted “it was not on this subject” and began to move away from the interview, before being back for another question.
“Mikel, one more?” Asked journalist Patrick Davison. “I have to ask you questions about the title race because it’s 15 points now …”
“No,” replied a thorny arteta. Davison then asked if the 15 -point gap was simply “too much”, but Arteta continued to move away, saying “thank you” leaving.
Arteta then headed for its post-match press conference where, predictable, a similar question was asked. This time, however, the boss of Arsenal was ready to answer.
“I don’t want to say [the race is over]But today, frustration is that we have not won our game, we know the urgency and you are forced to win every match, “said Arteta.” You will have no chance of doing it, I don’t think it’s the right time to talk about it. “”